Category Syncplify Server!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.29 released

Importance of this update: [MINOR]
What’s changed?
  • Fixed a small bug in DNS record resolution that only affected the Windows version of our software, and only when the operating system’s DNS configuration was wrong in the first place

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.28 released

Importance of this update: [OPTIONAL]
What’s changed?
  • Restored support for PKI authentication (SSH2/SCP/SFTP) using insecure RSA keys (SHA1 signature, insecure moduli, …), while secure RSA keys have never been dropped. We understand that transitioning to secure keys can be a challenge for some users. While we’ve provided resources and recommendations for dropping RSA keys for PKI authentication and switching to more secure keys (ECDSA, Ed25519, …), we recognize that some users may require more time, hence the choice to re-enable PKI auth support for these insecure keys. This does not make our server software less secure, it simply means it may allow certain insecure algorithms, but security-conscious users will simply configure our server software not to use them, thus keeping it completely safe and secure

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.27 released

Importance of this update: [ROUTINE UPDATE]
What’s changed?
  • Upgraded some package dependencies to incorporate various bug-fixes in external libraries
  • Fixed a bug in parametric VFS that occasionally caused directories to be created on physical storage with names enclosed in square brackets
  • Significantly improved the way files are downloaded via WebClient!: downloads now use less memory and are much faster (other protocols like FTP and SFTP are unchanged)

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.26 released

Importance of this update: [HIGH]
What’s changed?
  • Upgraded the compiler to the latest version, which comes with many fixes in the compiler’s standard library
  • Huge improvement in Protector(TM) performance, strikes are now counted up to 1000x faster than before
  • Added STSPreload to the global configuration in the SuperAdmin UI
  • Slightly relaxed RSA key security requirements to restore functionality of PKI authentication using old and insecure RSA keys (only when already known to the server prior to the changes made to prevent Terrapin)
  • Upgraded back-end SyngoDB database server to v4.11.0

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.25 released

Importance of this update: [HIGH]
What’s changed?
  • Upgraded the compiler to the latest version, which comes with many fixes in the compiler’s standard library
  • Greatly improved performance when joining a new node to create a new HA (high-availability) deployment or to add a node to an existing one
  • When using LDAP Groups, the JWT is now correctly created for the individual username that actually logged in, instead of the group name
  • VFS (Virtual File System) soft and hard quotas are now expressed in SI units, just like every other {X}byte value everywhere else in the software
  • Fixed FTPD (all FTP protocols) login/logout configurable messages functionality
  • Fixed internal DNS resolver which could not resolve certain FQDNs
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the WebClient! UI

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.24 released

Importance of this update: [MINOR]
What’s changed?
  • Fixed a glitch in the node-sync that only affected a minuscule number of high-availability (HA) installations
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.23 released 🔥

Importance of this update: HIGHEST (URGENT HOT-FIX!!!)
What’s changed?
  • Fixed a potentially catastrophic bug that could suddenly cause your Syncplify Server! to lose its “initialized” status, de facto rendering it non functional and causing the loss of parts of your configuration (or even all of it)
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.22 released

Importance of this update: NORMAL
What’s changed?
  • The Golang compiler was updated to the most recent version, and a full rebuild was performed
  • Auto-generation of one 4,096 bit RSA host key for the SSH/SFTP protocol handler is back in (by popular demand)
  • Tiny minor/cosmetic bug-fixes here and there in the web UIs

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Upgrade to v6.2.21 now (and be safe from the Terrapin Attack)

Every once in a while something happens that shakes up an entire industry. This is one such time.

The Terrapin Attack (CVE-2023-48795) affected practically every SSH server from every vendor on the planet. And though the bug wasn’t in our own code, we inherited it from Go’s ssh package, so our server software ended up being affected as well.

Kudos to the Go developers who identified and fixed the issue before the CVE was even made public! We will be forever grateful to them, as their timeliness allowed us to release v6.2.21 before this problem affected any of our customers.

We did our part, now it’s all up to you: to make sure your Syncplify Server! is protected from the Terrapin Attack, please, upgrade to v6.2.21+ with the utmost level of urgency. Thank you!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.21 released 🔥

Importance of this update: VERY HIGH
What’s changed?
  • The Golang standard library was updated to address a yet-to-be-disclosed CVE that could potentially affect SSH/SFTP services, this release incorporates such updates to keep your server safe
  • Importing old V4/V5 backups now works a little better even when such backups contain errors and misconfigurations (some of them are addressed by applying sensible default settings)
  • Parameters (see this KB article) can now be used in all Virtual File Systems, and not only in “Disk” VFSs as it used to be

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!