Syncplify Server! v6.0.27 released 🚨

Importance of this update: VERY IMPORTANT
  • HAProxy headers now report the correct client IP address in the SSH2/SCP/SFTP protocol handler
  • Importers (V4/V5) now auto-sanitize all IP/Network lists by removing incorrect items
  • Decreased heap memory allocation by ~0.8%
  • Sped up file transfers by ~1.4%
  • Upgraded SyngoDB to v4.5.5
  • Radically changed validation for all APIs and database objects/structures: now anything that can be sanitized (auto-corrected) will be sanitized, and validation errors will be reported only for those rare cases in which automatic sanitization is not possible: this should reduce the number of errors returned by the Admin UI upon saving configuration changes by up to 95%
  • Most of the remaining errors are now reported with clear messages in plain English
  • Removed nearly all null values from JSON objects returned by the APIs

Upgrading from v6.0.x is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Micro-introduction to V6’s PowerShell Module

Alright, so you are interested in managing Syncplify Server! V6 (the upcoming version, currently in development at the time this post is being written) via PowerShell.

You’re in luck. We have a PowerShell Module for that. But how do you get started?

Here’s a bare-bone micro quickstart for you. More will come with the official documentation when it’s ready.

Let’s take a look at the configuration first:

Pretty empty, uh? So, with Get-SS6Configuration you can see what’s in your PowerShell Module’s current configuration. Let’s populate it a little bit.

First of all, you’ll have to set your API base URL, your SuperAdmin (or Admin, it depends on what you want to do) username and password, and – if you’re using a self-signed certificate – you’ll also have to skip the certificate’s validation. You can do all of that with this command:

Set-SS6Configuration -Username "sa" -Password "your_password_here" -BaseUrl "" -SkipCertificateCheck

Now let’s see what happens when we call Get-SS6Configuration again:

Good, but we still need an Access Token to call the actual server’s API, and in order to get such Token we need to log in (which returns the token) and then set the token in the above configuration. Fortunately PowerShell allows us to do so with just 2 lines of code:

$res = Invoke-SS6SaLogin
Set-SS6Configuration -AccessToken $res.token

We’re good to go. Since we logged in as a SuperAdmin (by calling Invoke-SS6SaLogin) we can now invoke any SuperAdmin API as documented. Let’s try to acquire our own SuperAdmin profile for example:

This, together with the documentation of every module function you find in our PowerShell Module’s GitHub repository, should get you started very quickly and easily.