Syncplify Server! v6.2.31 released

Importance of this update: [NORMAL]
What’s changed?
  • Upgraded the Go compiler, standard library and toolchain to v1.22.2
  • Fixed a bug in the SuperAdmin UI that occasionally would mistake two distinct bindings for conflicting ones
  • Reduced the amount of CPU necessary for password authentication (this applies only to new users, or when existing users change/reset their password)

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.1.2 released ☝️

Importance of this update: SIGNIFICANT
  • Validation of the password fields in the WebClient! UI for users to be able to change their password by themselves
  • Sanitization of virtual site configuration now can also automatically fix most incorrect FTP(E/S) data-port and passive port-range bindings (after we found out that a surprisingly high number of our customers were running old V4/V5 with incorrect FTP(E/S) bindings causing all sorts of problems)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.0.10 released

Today we released Syncplify Server! v6.0.10; here’s what’s new and improved in this version.

Importance of this update: OPTIONAL
  • In-GUI notification of new updates/upgrades has been fixed
  • Definition of custom bindings during virtual site creation now works as intended
  • First installers for Linux (x86-64 and ARM-64) has been released

Upgrading from v6.0.x is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!