Syncplify Server! is also *NOT* vulnerable to CVE-2024-6409

Following up to our previous post in which we informed our user-base that Syncplify Server! is not affected by CVE-2028-6387, today we have the pleasure to share with you that Syncplify Server! is also completely unaffected by the newly discovered CVE-2024-6409.

CVE-2024-6409 is a signal handler race condition vulnerability in the OpenSSH server (sshd) that occurs when a client fails to authenticate within the LoginGraceTime, potentially leading to information disclosure, denial of service, or unauthorized access.

Syncplify Server!, by virtue of not being based on OpenSSH, does not have such vulnerability.

Syncplify Server! has no known vulnerabilities in the NIST NVD

In the aftermath of the already infamous MOVEit hack, which is only the most recent one in a long list of competitors exposing their customers data, we would like to take this opportunity to underscore a few important facts about Syncplify Server!

In fact, Syncplify Server! is the only enterprise-grade, commercial SFTP server on the market that has never been hacked, and has literally zero vulnerabilities listed in the NIST NVD, which is the National Vulnerability Database owned and operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

But hey, it’s easy to toss around such a bold claim without proof, right? That’s why we’re not asking you to take our word for it. This is something you can verify yourself.

How? Here you go:

  • Point your browser to the NIST NVD website search page
  • Type in Syncplify Server! or even just Syncplify, and verify that no vulnerabilities are found (here’s a direct link if you don’t want to type)
  • Now go back to the NIST NVD search page and try to search for any of our competitors; chances are anyone you search for will have a list of known vulnerabilities hackers can, have, and will exploit to gain access to your data

This is not a random result; where many of our competitors have chosen to give in to flashy UIs and unreasonable support for old/legacy algorithms now obsolete and proven weak, we have never been afraid to lead our customers onto a path of true security without trade-offs.

Stay safe, choose unrelenting security, use Syncplify.

More than 100,000 attacks on V6. Zero hacks.

This is mostly an update to a previous post we published some time ago.

Our honeypot Syncplify Server! V6 has been up for about a month now, while we work hard on developing the management UIs, and it has received more than 100K attacks thus far: 114,671 at the time this post is being written, to be precise.

The good (very good, actually) news is that none of those attacks has yielded any result to the attackers. Nothing. Nichts. Nada.

They tried.

They failed.

Syncplify Server! V6 wins. 🙂

V6 is safer than ever

We just ran the full suite of updated metasploit tests against the latest Syncplify Server! V6 alpha, and we’re happy to announce that our new version withstood all attacks without even breaking a sweat.

The new and improved ProtectorTM was able to identify all known and unknown attacks, add all attacking IP addresses to the block-list, without ever using more than 0.28% of the VM’s combined vCPU core capacity.