Syncplify Server! v6.2.36 released

Importance of this update: [MINOR]
What’s changed?
  • Fixed a couple of glitches in the Admin UI

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.2.12 released

Importance of this update: SECURITY HOT-FIX
What’s changed?
  • Fixed a vulnerability in one of the libraries used by the web UIs (SuperAdmin, Admin, and WebClient); for the record, this vulnerability was only exploitable in npm (node.js) so within the context of our software was non-exploitable, but we figured it would be better to update that 3rd-party library to its newer and bug-free version anyway.
  • Upgraded Go compiler, standard library and toolchain to the latest 1.21.2

IMPORTANT NOTE: those who are running the “worker” system service under a different account (not System or LocalSystem) will need to re-configure the service to run under such account after upgrading from any version number <= 6.1.12)

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.1.9 released

Importance of this update: NORMAL
  • The Zip function in the scripting language now correctly supports Windows and Linux compatible encrypted zip archives
  • Several minor glitches in the UIs (SuperAdmin and Admin) have been fixed, if you experienced some issues with the UIs this is definitely an update you want to perform

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.1.7 released

Importance of this update: NORMAL
  • Label in the Admin UI indicating the “total number of sessions” since last restart and overall
  • The aes256-cbc algorithm in the SSH/SFTP configuration is now correctly persisted when added to the list of active encryption algorithms
  • Corrected an Admin UI glitch that was introduced in v6.1.4 and prevented adding “permission override” items to existing user accounts
  • Added the ability to use markdown in Admin UI and WebClient! disclaimers
  • Added the ability to specify a custom title to be displayed just above the disclaimer in WebClient!’s login page

Upgrading from v6.x.y is a simple and fairly automatic process: simply download the latest version from the official download page, and install it over the existing version, all of your settings and license will be kept.

If, instead, you’re upgrading from an older (v4/v5) version, you find the upgrade instructions in our knowledge base.

Thank you all for trusting our software with your secure file transfers!

Syncplify Server! v6.1 is coming soon

As explained in this blog post, we’ve been hard at work to improve the UX of our Syncplify Server! v6, and we’re almost ready to release the updated version with all the new UI/UX improvements we’ve been talking about.

Here’s a sneak peek:

The most apparent difference is the dual real-time chart, which now makes units of measurements consistent (integer values like session count and file count in the left pane, floating point values like upload or download speed in the right one).

Given the amount of effort and the number of significant UX improvements, we decided that this version will be released as version 6.1.

Of course, other improvements like the addition of SAML2.0 SSO connectivity for the web UIs are still in our plans, and are undergoing active development, but they will be released under the 6.2 version number later this year.

Thank you all for your continued support!

A much improved Admin UX is coming…

First of all, let’s clarify: UX is not UI.

While UI refers to the User Interface (what a human-machine interface looks like), UX refers to the User eXperience (how a human-machine interface behaves).

With Syncplify Server! V6 we think we’ve done a pretty good job at UI… but there are things in our UX that could be improved. For that reason, one of the v6.x upcoming releases will be focused on UX, and on ways to improve and make it easier for an administrator to manage our software.

In order to do that, we had to start with identifying what could be done better, and we have indeed identified a few areas, namely:


The current strategy is: validate everything, and report all mistakes in a technical way that overlaps with the fields our REST API manages. This is probably still the best for those very few people who know the inner workings of our REST API inside out. But let’s be honest, how many of them are there? We cannot expect our customers to have this type of knowledge, they didn’t design our software, and they don’t only have our software to manage in their daily routine.

So, we need to go from: validate –> report everything (in tech notation)

To: sanitize –> validate –> report if needed (in plain English)

Most things can actually be sanitized. For example, let’s say you created a Virtual Folder for a User, but forgot that all virtual folders must be POSIX-root-based (i.e. begin with a forward-slash). We can simply add that leading forward-slash for you, and not even bother reporting a validation error.

Validation errors will still be reported (but in plain English) only when there is no unambiguous way to automatically sanitize the contents of a field that were filled-in wrong by the administrator.

As a result, our Admin interface will produce a lot fewer error messages (as many mistakes will be automatically sanitized) and the few errors that will be displayed to the administrator will be in plain English, thus far easier to understand and know what to change to fix them.

Reduce the “nulls” to check via REST API

Most modern OpenAPI-compliant JavaScript frameworks are not designed to automatically generate the logic to check for null conditions in every return value. The result is that this logic often has to be written-in by hand by the developer, which leads to bugs and errors.

We’re working hard to ensure that our REST API always returns a predictable set of non-null fields for every call. This will make the UI-side logic abundantly easier and cleaner to design and develop.

Final touches to V6’s UI before “alpha” release

We would like to thank everyone for being patient. The first “alpha” version of Syncplify Server! v6 will be ready soon, we’re now applying the final touches to our Admin UI, and in the coming weeks we will reach out to the alpha-testers who signed up, and deliver the first preview of V6 to them.

Screenshot of V6’s realtime monitor (alpha version, subject to change)

Thanks to all of you for your continued support! 🙂

V6 UI in development…

Now that all the working parts of Syncplify Server! v6 are in place, and we are very confident in their reliability and fitness for purpose, it’s time to develop all new (and much more user-friendly) UIs for all three of the major components: SuperAdmin UI, Admin UI, and WebClient!.

On top of that, the new initial setup procedure will also be moved to a web UI, for consistency and effectiveness reasons. Here’s a very early sneak peek: