Syncplify Server! v6.0-BETA.4 released

Following up to the release of V6 betas (1 through 3), and thanks to all the feedback we received from our valued customers, we are extremely happy to announce that today we have released V6.0-BETA.4, which fixes all of the known/reported glitches in all of the web UIs, including the new WebClient!.

As usual, and to be expected of any BETA software, this version comes with a few important notes, restrictions, and recommendations:

  1. Pre-release (including BETA) software is expected to contain bugs, therefore it shall never be used in a production environment
  2. If/when you find any bug or odd behavior, please report it by opening a ticket on our support portal here:
  3. Please be patient, the more you help us with your bug reports, the faster we will fix them and the faster we will get to the final stable release
  4. As all pre-release versions, this BETA version comes with no guarantees whatsoever, and it may even contain bugs that might cause data loss, so – please – use it at your own risk, and make sure you use it exclusively inside of a disposable test environment with no access to live/production data

If you agree to all of these points, feel free to download the installer for Windows here:

Thank you!

Syncplify Server! v6.0-BETA.3 released

Following up to the release of BETA.1 and BETA.2, and thanks to all the feedback we received from OUR PRECIOUS customers, we are VERY happy to announce that today we have released V6.0-BETA.3, which fixes all of the known/reported glitches in the web UIs, and improves LDAP(S) support.

As usual, and to be expected of any BETA software, this version comes with a few important notes, restrictions, and recommendations:

  1. Pre-release (including BETA) software is expected to contain bugs, therefore it shall never be used in a production environment
  2. If/when you find any bug or odd behavior, please report it by opening a ticket on our support portal here:
  3. Please be patient, the more you help us with your bug reports, the faster we will fix them and the faster we will get to the final stable release
  4. As all pre-release versions, this BETA version comes with no guarantees whatsoever, and it may even contain bugs that might cause data loss, so – please – use it at your own risk, and make sure you use it exclusively inside of a disposable test environment with no access to live/production data

If you agree to all of these points, feel free to download the installer for Windows here:

Thank you!

Syncplify Server! V6.0-BETA.2 available

We recently announced the availability of Syncplify Server! v6’s first beta, and thanks to all the feedback we received from numerous customers, we are now happy to announce that today we have released V6.0-BETA.2.

As usual, and to be expected of any BETA software, this version comes with a few important notes, restrictions, and recommendations:

  1. Pre-release (including BETA) software is expected to contain bugs, therefore it shall never be used in a production environment
  2. If/when you find any bug or odd behavior, please report it by opening a ticket on our support portal here:
  3. Please be patient, the more you help us with your bug reports, the faster we will fix them and the faster we will get to the final stable release
  4. As all pre-release versions, this BETA version comes with no guarantees whatsoever, and it may even contain bugs that might cause data loss, so – please – use it at your own risk, and make sure you use it exclusively inside of a disposable test environment with no access to live/production data

If you agree to all of these points, feel free to download the installer for Windows here:

Thank you! 🙂

Syncplify Server! v6.0-BETA1 is available to test

After a long design and development effort, and many bumps on the road that we had to overcome, we are glad to announce that the first public BETA of our brand new Syncplify Server! v6.0 is out for everyone to test.

This is our first fully cross-platform version of the software, 100% of the code has been rewritten to achieve support for Windows and Linux. We even went as far as dropping MongoDB as our database back-end in favor of a much leaner and resource-friendly database server we wrote in-house. This first BETA is released only for Windows (for now) but you can expect BETA2 (in just a few short weeks) to come with a Linux installer as well.

As usual, and to be expected of any BETA software, this version comes with a few important notes, restrictions, and recommendations:

  1. Pre-release (including BETA) software is expected to contain bugs, therefore it shall never be used in a production environment
  2. If/when you find any bug or odd behavior, please report it by opening a ticket on our support portal here:
  3. Please be patient, the more you help us with your bug reports, the faster we will fix them and the faster we will get to the final stable release
  4. As all pre-release versions, this BETA version comes with no guarantees whatsoever, and it may even contain bugs that might cause data loss, so – please – use it at your own risk, and make sure you use it exclusively inside of a disposable test environment with no access to live/production data

If you agree to all of these points, feel free to download the installer for Windows here:

Thank you. 🙂

Last days to sign up for V6 “alpha”

In the next few days (likely early next week) we will begin rolling out Syncplify Server! v6.0-alpha.1 to our customers who signed up for the closed alpha-test phase.

If you are interested in testing/debugging this alpha version, there’s still some time to sign up: simply go to our support portal and submit a ticket, make sure to choose “V6 testing” as category, and briefly but thoroughly describe your use-case scenario. We will then notify you if your application to join the alpha-test team has been accepted.

Thank you!

First “seriously serious” stress-test for V6

As the time to release Syncplify Server! V6 approaches rapidly, we now have the pleasure to begin performing real serious stress-tests on our SFTP engine.

The idea is to “throw everything we’ve got at it”, and try our hardest to make it crash… or at least leak some memory, or misbehave in any way. The underlying concept is: if we can find a way to hack/damage/crash our server, someone else may be able to do the same; so we don’t want that.

Well, enough chit-chat, here’s the raw data, followed by a plain English explanation:

    "sessSshSftp":       689841,
    "fileUp":            16552,
    "fileDn":            16433,
    "fileUpFail":        0,
    "fileDnFail":        0,
    "transferUpMb":      "3.156491 TB",
    "transferDnMb":      "3.152610 TB",
    "scriptsRun":        33127,
    "crashOrPanic":      0,
    "successfulAttacks": 0

The test ran for 2 hours, with 56 concurrent attackers designed to introduce the highest possible level of fuzziness in their behavior. This is to ensure that neither the server nor our development team knows ahead of time exactly how the attackers will perform their attacks.

Attacks may include any mix of the following:

  • protocol violations
  • abrupt connection interruptions
  • flooding of concurrent rapid-fire connection/disconnection cycles
  • authentication tampering or bypass
  • permission escalations
  • directory traversals
  • command injections
  • random data packets with wrong size, MAC, or some other wrong syntax/structure/payload

In total, 689,841 client sessions were gracefully handled (~96 sessions per second). The sustained file transfer speed over the course of the 2-hour test was on average 876.26 MB/sec.

Nevertheless, no attack was successful. And, at the end of the test, Syncplify Server! V6’s worker process was still using only ~44.6 MB of RAM.

We feel pretty good about this.